Professor of Nanjing University, Chang Jiang Scholarship Professor, group leader, director of Center for Superconducting Physics and Materials of Nanjing university. Published more than 340 scientific papers in internationally recognized journals, received over 7000 citations, h-index 46. Gave about 100 speeches or invited talks at international conferences.
Working field: Exploration of new superconducting materials, investigation on non-Fermi liquid behavior, unconventional pairing mechanism of cuprates and iron pnictide superconductors, vortex dynamics, mixed state properties, critical fluctuation, etc.
Education and working background
1. Sept.1981 — July 1985. Received the BS and the outstanding graduation award (1/100 probability) from Department of Physics, Anhui University;
2. Sept. 1985 — March 1988 Obtained the MS from the Chinese Academy of Sciences;
3. March 1988 — March 1991 Obtained the Ph.D. ( Philosophiae Doctor Condensed Matter Physics ) from Chinese Academy of Sciences.
4. Oct. 1991 — Oct.1993, Post-Doctor in Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam.
5. Nov. 1993 — Aug. 1995, Assistant professor in Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
6. Aug. 1995 — Aug. 1996, Associate professor in Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
7. Aug. 1996 – Dec.2010, Full Professorship Research Fellow in Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
8. Oct. 1996 — April 1998, Alexander von Humboldt fellow in Ulm university , Germany
9. Oct. 2000—Sept. 2009, Director of The National Lab for Superconductivity, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
10. Oct.10, 2003—Dec.16 2003, Physics Department, University of Tennessee, Visiting Scholar.
11. Jan. 2011—present, Professor of Nanjing University.
Awards received
1. Won the Outstanding Chinese Young Scholar’s prize by Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1995 (2nd grade).
2. Received Outstanding Chinese Young Scholar’s foundation by Natural Science Foundation in China ( NSFC ) in 1998.
3. Received the 10-outstanding-youth award from Chinese Academy of Science in 2002.
4. Received the National young scholar’s Science and Technology award in 2000.
5. Received the 2003 Beijing City Award for Science and Technology (second grade, order No#1)
6. 2004, National Award for Natural Science (second grade)
7. 2009, Award of Hong Kong Qiu Shi Science & Technologies Foundation
8. 2010, Achievement in Asia Award (Robert T. Poe Prize)
9. 2012, Chang Jiang Scholarship professor
10. 2013, APS fellow
11. 2013, National Award for Natural Science (first grade, order No# 4)
● Since June 4, 2011, Director of Center for Superconducting Physics and Materials of Nanjing University
● Since Jan. 2011, Professor of Nanjing University, Group leader, Tutor for Ph.D students;
● Chairman of the National project for Superconductivity Research (materials and fundamental mechanism) (2006-2010); Project expanded and renewed in 2011-2015.
● Chairman of the project “International Team on Superconductivity and Novel Electronic Materials” (2006-2010) of Chinese Academy of Sciences.
● Editorial member of Physica C (Holland), Phylosophical Magzine (UK), Chinese Physics Letters, Science in China G and Physics ( in Chinese ).
● Coordinator of Canada Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR) in the Far East region.
Selected published papers
1. Zengyi Du, Xiong Yang, Dustin Altenfeld, Qiangqiang Gu, Huan Yang, Ilya Eremin, Peter J. Hirschfeld, Igor I. Mazin, Hai Lin, Xiyu Zhu, Hai-Hu Wen, Sign reversal of the order parameter in (Li1-xFex)OHFe1-yZnySe, Nature Physics 14, 134-139(2018).
2. Mingyang Chen, Xiaoyu Chen, Huan Yang, Zengyi Du, Xiyu Zhu, Enyu Wang, Hai-Hu Wen, Discrete energy levels of Caroli-de Gennes-Matricon states in quantum limit in FeTe0.55Se0.45, Nature Communications 9, 970(2018).
3. C. H. P. Wen, H. C. Xu, Q. Yao, R. Peng, X. H. Niu, Q. Y. Chen, Z. T. Liu, D. W. Shen, Q. Song, X. Lou, Y. F. Fang, X. S. Liu, Y. H. Song, Y. J. Jiao, T. F. Duan, H. H. Wen, P. Dudin, G. Kotliar, Z. P. Yin, D. L. Feng, Unveiling the Superconducting Mechanism of Ba0.51K0.49BiO3, Physical Review Letters 121, 117002(2018).
4. Yue Zhang, Wenhao Liu, Xiyu Zhu, Haonan Zhao, Zheng Hu, Chengping He, Hai-Hu Wen, Unprecedented high irreversibility line in nontoxic cuprate superconductor (Cu,C)Ba2Ca3Cu4O11+δ, Science Advances 4, eaau0192(2018).
5. Mingyang Chen, Xiaoyu Chen, Huan Yang, Zengyi Du, Hai-Hu Wen, Superconductivity with twofold symmetry in Bi2Te3/FeTe0.55Se0.45 heterostructures, Science Advances 4(6) eaat1084 (2018).
6. Guan Du, Jifeng Shao, Xiong Yang, Zengyi Du, Delong Fang, Jinghui Wang, Kejing Ran, Jinsheng Wen, Changjin Zhang, Huan Yang, Yuheng Zhang, Hai-Hu Wen, Drive the Dirac electrons into Cooper pairs in SrxBi2Se3, Nature Communications 8, 14466(2017).
7. Zengyi Du, Xiong Yang, Hai Lin, Delong Fang, Guan Du, Jie Xing, Huan Yang, Xiyu Zhu, Hai-Hu Wen, Scrutinizing the double superconducting gaps and strong coupling pairing in (Li1-xFex)OHFeSe, Nature Communications 7, 10565(2016).
8. Philip J. W. Moll, Xiyu Zhu, Peng Cheng, Hai-Hu Wen, Bertram Batlogg, Intrinsic Josephson junctions in the iron-based multi-band superconductor (V2Sr4O6)Fe2As2, Nature Physics 10: 9, 644-647(2014).
9. M. Yi, Y. Zhang, Z.-K. Liu, X. Ding, J.-H. Chu, A.F. Kemper, N. Plonka, B. Moritz, M. Hashimoto, S.-K. Mo, Z. Hussain, T.P. Devereaux, I.R. Fisher, H.H. Wen, Z.-X. Shen, D.H. Lu, Dynamic competition between spin-density wave order and superconductivity in underdoped Ba1-xKxFe2As2, Nature Communications 5, 3711 (2014).
10. Philip J. W. Moll, Luis Balicas, Xiyu Zhu, Hai-Hu Wen, Nikolai D. Zhigadlo, Janusz Karpinski, Bertram Batlogg, Critical Current Oscillations in the Intrinsic Hybrid Vortex State of SmFeAs(O,F), Physical Review Letters 113, 186402(2014).
11. T. Böhm, A. F. Kemper, B. Moritz, F. Kretzschmar, B. Muschler, H.-M. Eiter, R. Hackl, T. P. Devereaux, D. J. Scalapino, Hai-Hu Wen, Balancing Act: Evidence for a Strong Subdominant d-Wave Pairing Channel in Ba0.6K0.4Fe2As2, Physical Review X 4, 041046(2014).
12. Zhenyu Wang, Huan Yang, Delong Fang, Bing Shen, Qiang-HuaWang, Lei Shan, Chenglin Zhang, Pengcheng Dai and Hai-Hu Wen, Close relationship between superconductivity and the bosonic mode in Ba0.6K0.4Fe2As2 and Na(Fe0.975Co0.025)As, Nature Physic 9:1, 42–48(2013).
13. Huan Yang, Zhenyu Wang, Delong Fang, Qiang Deng, Qiang-Hua Wang, Yuan-Yuan Xiang, Yang Yang, Hai-Hu Wen, In-gap quasiparticle excitations induced by non-magnetic Cu impurities in Na(Fe0.96Co0.03Cu0.01)As revealed by scanning tunnelling spectroscopy, Nature Communications 4, 2749(2013).
14. Xiaxin Ding, Delong Fang, Zhenyu Wang, Huan Yang, Jianzhong Liu, Qiang Deng, Guobin Ma, Chong Meng, Yuhui Hu, Hai-Hu Wen, Influence of microstructure on superconductivity in KxFe2−ySe2 and evidence for a new parent phase K2Fe7Se8, Nature Communications 4, 1897(2013).
15. Y. M. Dai, B. Xu, B. Shen, H. Xiao, H. H. Wen, X. G. Qiu, C. C. Homes, and R. P. S. M. Lobo, Hidden T-Linear Scattering Rate in Ba0.6K0.4Fe2As2 Revealed by Optical Spectroscopy, Physical Review Letters 111, 117001(2013).
16. J. Jiang, S. Li, T. Zhang, Z. Sun, F. Chen, Z.R. Ye, M. Xu, Q.Q. Ge, S.Y. Tan, X.H. Niu, M. Xia, B.P. Xie, Y.F. Li, X.H. Chen, H.H. Wen, D.L. Feng, Observation of possible topological in-gap surface states in the Kondo insulator SmB6 by photoemission, Nature Communications 4, 3010(2013).
17. E. C. Blomberg, M. A. Tanatar, R. M. Fernandes, I. I. Mazin, Bing Shen, Hai-Hu Wen, M. D. Johannes, J. Schmalian, R. Prozorov, Sign-reversal of the in-plane resistivity anisotropy in hole-doped iron pnictides, Nature Communications 4, 1914(2013).
18. F. Kretzschmar, B. Muschler, T. Böhm, A. Baum, R. Hackl, Hai-Hu Wen, V. Tsurkan, J. Deisenhofer, A. Loidl, Raman-Scattering Detection of Nearly Degenerate s-Wave and d-Wave Pairing Channels in Iron-Based Ba0.6K0.4Fe2As2 and Rb0.8Fe1.6Se2 Superconductors, Physical Review Letters 110, 187002(2013).
19. L Shan, J Gong, YL Wang, B Shen, XY Hou, C Ren, CH Li, H Yang, HH Wen, SL Li, PC Dai, Evidence of a Spin Resonance Mode in the Iron-Based Superconductor Ba0.6K0.4Fe2As2 from Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy, Physical Review Letters 108, 227002(2012).
20. Lei Shan, Yong-Lei Wang, Bing Shen, Bin Zeng, Yan Huang, Ang Li, Da Wang, Huan Yang, Cong Ren, Qiang-Hua Wang, Shuheng H. Pan, Hai-Hu Wen, Observation of ordered vortices with Andreev bound states in Ba0.6K0.4Fe2As2, Nature Physics 7:4, 325-331(2011).
21. YM Xu, P Richard, K Nakayama, T Kawahara , Y Sekiba, T Qian, M Neupane, S Souma, T Sato, T Takahashi, HQ Luo, HH Wen, GF Chen, NL Wang, Z Wang, Z Fang, X Dai, H Ding, Fermi surface dichotomy of the superconducting gap and pseudogap in underdoped pnictides, Nature Communications 2, 392(2011).
22. M. L. Teague, G. K. Drayna, G. P. Lockhart, P. Cheng, B. Shen, H. -H. Wen, N. -C. Yeh, Measurement of a Sign-Changing Two-Gap Superconducting Phase in Electron-Doped Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2 Single Crystals Using Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy, Physical Review Letters 106, 087004(2011).
23. B. Zeng, G. Mu, H. Q. Luo, T. Xiang, I. I. Mazin, H. Yang, L. Shan, C. Ren, P. C. Dai & H.-H. Wen, Anisotropic structure of the order parameter in FeSe0.45Te0.55 revealed by angle-resolved specific heat, Nature Communications 1, 112(2010).
24. C Tarantini, M Putti, A Gurevich, Y Shen, RK Singh, JM Rowell, N Newman, DC Larbalestier, P Cheng, Y Jia, HH Wen, Suppression of the Critical Temperature of Superconducting NdFeAs(OF) Single Crystals by Kondo-Like Defect Sites Induced by alpha-Particle Irradiation, Physical Review Letters 104, 087002(2010).
25. FL Ning, K Ahilan, T Imai, AS Sefat, MA McGuire, BC Sales, D Mandrus, P Cheng, B Shen, HH Wen, Contrasting Spin Dynamics between Underdoped and Overdoped Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2, Physical Review Letters 104, 037001(2010).
26. HH Wen, G Mu, HQ Luo, H Yang, L Shan, C Ren, P Cheng, J Yan, L Fang, Specific-Heat Measurement of a Residual Superconducting State in the Normal State of Underdoped Bi2Sr2-xLaxCuO6+delta Cuprate Superconductors, Physical Review Letters 103, 067002(2009).
27. H Yang, Y Liu, CG Zhuang, JR Shi, YG Yao, S Massidda, M Monni, Y Jia, XX Xi, Q Li, ZK Liu, QR Feng, HH Wen, Fully band-resolved scattering rate in MgB2 revealed by the nonlinear Hall effect and magnetoresistance measurements, Physical Review Letters 101, 067001(2008).
28. C Ren, ZS Wang, HQ Luo, H Yang, L Shan, HH Wen, Evidence for Two Energy Gaps in Superconducting Ba0.6K0.4Fe2As2 Single Crystals and the Breakdown of the Uemura Plot, Physical Review Letters 101, 257006(2008).
29. JH Ma, ZH Pan, FC Niestemski, M Neupane, YM Xu, P Richard, K Nakayama, T Sato, T Takahashi, HQ Luo, L Fang, HH Wen, ZQ Wang, H Ding, V Madhavan, Coexistence of Competing Orders with Two Energy Gaps in Real and Momentum Space in the High Temperature Superconductor Bi2Sr2-xLaxCuO6+delta, Physical Review Letters 101, 207002(2008).
30. DW Shen, BP Xie, JF Zhao, LX Yang, L Fang, J Shi, RH He, DH Lu, HH Wen, DL Feng, Novel mechanism of a charge density wave in a transition metal dichalcogenide, Physical Review Letters 99, 216404 (2007).
31. Q Li, BT Liu, YF Hu, J Chen, H Gao, L Shan, HH Wen, AV Pogrebnyakov, JM Redwing, XX Xi, QQ Wang, J Shi, Y Wang, HH Wen, Large anisotropic normal-state magnetoresistance in clean MgB2 thin films, Physical Review Letters 96, 167003(2006).
32. HH Wen, XH Chen, WL Yang, ZX Zhao, Same superconducting criticality for underdoped and overdoped La2-xSrxCuO4 single crystals, Physical Review Letters 85, 2805-2808(2000).
33. HH Wen, WL Yang, ZX Zhao, YM Ni, Josephson-coupling origin for the upward curvature of the pseudo-upper-critical field in Bi2Sr2-xLaxCuO6+delta crystals, Physical Review Letters 82:2, 410-413(1999).
34. HH Wen, HA Radovan, FM Kamm, P Ziemann, FM Kamm, P Ziemann, SL Yan, L Fang, MS Si, 2D vortex-glass transition with T-g=0 K in Tl2Ba2CaCu2O8 thin films due to high magnetic fields, Physical Review Letters 80, 3859-3862(1998).
35. HH Wen, AFT Hoekstra, R Griessen, SL Yan, L Fang, MS Si, Field induced vanishing of the vortex glass temperature in Tl2Ba2CaCu2O8 thin films, PhysicaL Review Letters 79:8, 1559-1562(1997).
36. R Griessen, HH Wen, Ajj Vandalen, B Dam, J Rector, HG Schnack, S Libbrecht, E Osquiguil, Y Bruynseraede, Evidence for mean free-path fluctuation-induced pinning in YBa2Cu3O7 and YBa2Cu4O8 films, Physical Review Letters 72:12, 1910-1913(1994).